Rise up, O Men of God!
Have done with lesser things;
Give heart and mind and soul and strength
To serve the King of kings.
Bertha T. Johnson
Women’s Missionary Society
We are CALLED. We are COMPELLED. We are COMMITTED to serve.
Since 1925, The Bertha T. Johnson Women’s Missionary Society has worked very hard on various projects such as: visitations to the sick and shut-in and periodically visiting area nursing homes. Food donations are regularly made to the Greater Birmingham Ministries (GBM) as well as assist in the feeding of families. We have provided toiletry and hygiene products along with snack items for the area homeless. We are particularly proud of our Greeting Card Campaign. Our goal is to lift the spirits of our sick and shut-in by sending greeting/thinking-of-you cards on a regular basis. Presently, Mrs. Evelyn A. Beasley is serving as president of the WMS. God continues to bless and move the Bertha T. Johnson WMS to a higher level, we give praise to God for allowing us to share and be a blessing to others.